Reviewing procedure
Initial evaluation and qualification of texts addressed to “The XIX Century” are conducted by members of the editorial staff (including thematic editors), who take into account the level of knowledge of the submitted article and its compliance with the profile and the subject matter of the magazine.
Texts positively assessed by members of the editorial board are directed to independent external reviewers (possibly those most competent in specific disciplines / subjects). Reviewers can include members of the scientific board of the magazine, as well as those affiliated with foreign scientific institutions. In the case of an evaluation of texts in foreign languages (congress), at least one of the reviewers will be affiliated with academic institutions abroad other than the author of the article submitted for review.
“The XIX Century” in its reviewing practice realizes a double-blind review process model (authors and reviewers do not know each other’s identity. The names of the reviewers are not revealed to the authors in case of the adoption of the text for publication, as well as its rejection). In the case of a justified implementation of another reviewing procedure, the editors shall ensure that a situation, which could lead to a conflict of interest, is prevented (namely, a conflict of interest between a reviewer and an author: direct personal relationships, kinship, legal relationship, conflict, professional reporting relationships). The names of the reviewers of individual articles shall remain secret. Once a year the editors publish online and update the list of reviewers who have cooperated with the magazine for the last five years.
Reviews shall be submitted in writing (review forms are available on the magazine’s website), and shall end with an explicit request allowing either their publication or rejection. Both in the case of undisputed acceptance of the text for print and unequivocal rejection, it is not available to the author. In case corrections need to be made, a detailed opinion of reviewers, along with the guidelines of the proposed additions and corrections, shall be transmitted to the author by the editors, without revealing the names of reviewers.
Editors of “The XIX Century” try to ensure that the reviewing process remains transparent, honest, free of protectionism and in accordance with the recommendations formulated by the Committee of Ethics in Science in Good practices in reviewing procedures in science (Warsaw 2011).